Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jud turns 10!!

On March 28..Jud turned 10! That is so hard for me to believe!! He is really growing up! He got a 22 for his birthday! He was so surprised and excited!We finally went out yesterday to shoot out in the woods!! We all took turns..and in case you are wondering...Jaici was at gymnastics..so she wasn't in our photoshoot!!


idahomayos said...

How fun! I'm so jealous of your warm looking weather!

Katherine said...

You actually look like you know what you're doing! Miss you!

R. Patton said...

can't believe how fast mr. jud is growing up! my boys really look up to him and think he is so cool. please be careful in those woods!

Jordan said...

I can't believe Jud is 10. How fast our kids are growing up. We miss ya'll so much. Love you!