Monday, February 16, 2009

Update on Cash

Cash has had a few surgeries since my last post. He had his bladder repaired...which was a relativly easy one. His ICP (which is the swelling around his brain) was climbing so they went in and did a surgery where they removed his skull flap and that allows the swelling to have room without causing damage...they will go back in a few weeks and put the skull cap back on. He now has a trach..which we were thrilled about. He gets a feeding tube directly in his stomach today so they will leave his face completly free of tubes. All of his vitals are going great. Its just a big patient game now. He has opened his eyes on command and stuck his tongue out. These were huge things for us. Keep him in your prayers. Thanks so much for all the well wishes on his behalf. I am going to include some pics for ya'll..they aren't pretty but I wanted to be able to show Cash these pics one day.


Jennifer said...

Jaime- we're glad to hear that he seems to be responding well to the treatment and verbal commands. I know this has to be a difficult time for you and your family. Please know that Cash and your family will be in our prayers. God Bless...

R. Patton said...

You all are a testament to the strength of family. I am certain that Cash is (and will be) grateful for your devotion as his sister. How sorry I am for this trial, but thankfully you are blessed with faith, family, and friends that love you!