Friday, January 9, 2009

January Hostess Incentive

January is the month to host a ScentEvent! Hostess half-price items are automatically doubled. So if you do at least $150 in party orders instead of earning just one half-price automatically get two! This is a great month to share this fantastic product with others and also earn some freebies for yourself. Also, the warmer of the month is already listed on my page is really pretty. The scent of the month is Spruce and Citrus and is quite a refreshing clean citrus scent. I love it. If you or you know of someone who would be interested in hosting a ScentEvent or joining my Scentfully Divine team please let me know or visit my website This is truly a fantastic product and rewarding company to work for.

Monday, January 5, 2009

first family pics...EVER!!

Tyan did such an awesome job...this is just a preview. The kids keep asking when we are doing it again. If you would like to see the other pics click on order...then the pilcher family..password is Jaime

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas morning...

Jaici was the first up which is quite funny since she is normally our last one to get up...Corry and
Celi were here and they got to watch the kids as they opened their gifts from Santa. Afterwards, we went to Denny's mom to have the annual Christmas breakfast. Yum-O!! We ate until we could eat no more and then moved to the gifts. What a blessing it is for us to be surrounded by all of our family. We feel quite lucky !!!

The season was good to the Pilchers

I'll start with Christmas Eve. It is always spent at my mom's ...Jimmy had to work and Candace had to go to inlaws with her family..but everyone else was there. We had alot of fun exchanging gifts and spending lots of time together laughing and making memories. Mom made aprons for all of us which we got by playing the left, right game...needless to say I love my family !!